
How to navigate to different pages using getx in flutter?

Hey there! In this example, I'll show you how to use the GetX package to move between screens in a Flutter app. And do not worry if you're not familiar with state management, dependency injection, and reactive programming - I'll explain those concepts too in a way that's easy to understand. Let us get started!

Steps to include GetX in your flutter app

Step 1: Open your Flutter project in your preferred code editor.
Step 2: Open the `pubspec.yaml` file.
Step 3: Under the `dependencies` section, add the following line:

    get: ^4.6.5

This will add the latest version of the GetX package to your project. You can also specify a specific version if you need to.
Step 4: Save the 'pubspec.yaml' file.
Step 5: Run the following command in your terminal to install the package:

    flutter pub get

This will download and install the GetX package and its dependencies.
Step 6: Import the GetX package in your Dart file:

    import 'package:get/get.dart';

That's it! You've now added the GetX package to your Flutter project and can start using its features. Don't forget to check the GetX documentation for more information and examples on how to use this powerful package in your app.

GetX Package

To start using GetX in your project wrap your root widget with GetMaterialApp() widget from GetX.

    void main() {
            home: MyApplication(),

Navigate to a new screen:

    Get.to( HomeScreen());

Go back to the previous Screen:


To go to new screen and delete the previous screen from navigation stack:


To go to new Screen and delete all the previous screen from navigation stack:


To get data from the new screen to the current screen:

    //go to the Apply Coupon screen and wait for the result to come
    Var data = await Get.to(ApplyCoupon());
    //go back to the previous screen with data
    Get.back(discount: 150);

What is GetX in Flutter?

GetX is a package for Flutter that helps you manage the state of your application. State refers to the data that your app needs to work properly, such as user input, network requests, and the current screen.

With GetX, you can easily manage the state of your app in a reactive way. This means that your app will automatically update whenever the state changes.

GetX also provides a way to manage the dependencies of your app. Dependencies are the objects that your app needs to work, such as services or data models. By managing dependencies with GetX, you can easily inject them into your widgets and controllers.

GetX also makes it easy to navigate between different screens of your app. You can use GetX to define routes and pass data between screens. GetX offers several features, including:

1. State Management: GetX offers reactive state management with a very simple syntax. It allows you to easily manage the state of your app and update it when necessary.
2. Dependency Injection: GetX provides a simple way to manage dependencies in your app, allowing you to inject dependencies into your widgets and controllers.
3. Routing and Navigation: GetX makes it easy to manage the navigation and routing of your app. It provides simple and intuitive APIs for navigating between different screens and passing data between them.
4. Reactive Programming: GetX uses Reactive Programming to manage state changes and dependencies. This allows your app to respond to changes in data and UI elements in real-time.

Overall, GetX is a powerful package that can help you build better Flutter apps by making it easier to manage state, dependencies, and navigation.

What is State Management in Flutter?

State refers to the data that your app needs to work properly, such as user input, network requests, and the current screen. In a Flutter app, this state can change frequently as users interact with the app.

State management is the process of managing this state in a way that makes your app efficient, maintainable, and bug-free. It involves deciding how to store and update the state, and how to communicate these updates to the UI so that the app reflects the changes.

There are several ways to manage state in a Flutter app, including:

1. SetState: This is the simplest way to manage state in Flutter. It involves storing the state in the widget itself and using the setState() method to update it when necessary. However, this approach can lead to code duplication and performance issues in large apps.
2. InheritedWidget: This is a Flutter widget that allows you to pass data down the widget tree to child widgets. This is useful for managing state that needs to be shared between multiple widgets, but it can be cumbersome to use.
3. Provider: This is a Flutter package that builds on InheritedWidget and makes it easier to manage state. It allows you to define a global state object that can be accessed by any widget in the app. This is a popular way to manage state in Flutter.
4. Bloc: This is another Flutter package that provides a way to manage state using a stream-based architecture. It involves separating the UI from the business logic and using streams to communicate between them.

Overall, state management is a crucial aspect of building Flutter apps, and there are several approaches you can use depending on the complexity of your app and your personal preferences.

Dependency Injection in Flutter Using GetX

Dependency injection is a design pattern that helps you manage the dependencies of your application. Dependencies are the objects that your app needs to work, such as services or data models.

Traditionally, developers create objects and their dependencies directly within their code. However, this can lead to code that is tightly coupled and difficult to maintain. Dependency injection solves this problem by providing a way to separate the creation of objects from their usage.

In Flutter, dependency injection involves creating objects in a separate class or file and then injecting them into your code as needed. This can be done manually or with the help of a dependency injection library, such as the popular GetX package.

With dependency injection, you can:

1. Make your code more modular and easier to maintain.
2. Avoid duplicating code and reducing code bloat.
3. Make testing easier by allowing you to easily replace dependencies with mock objects.

Overall, dependency injection is a powerful tool for building maintainable and scalable Flutter apps. By separating the creation of objects from their usage, you can write code that is more modular, easier to test, and easier to understand.

Example for dependency Injection

Sure, here is a short code example of dependency injection in Flutter using the `get` package:
First, you need to create a class that defines the dependency you want to inject. For example, let's say we want to inject a `UserService` into our code:

    class UserService {
        void login(String username, String password) {
            // Login logic

Next, you need to register this class with the `GetIt` dependency injection container. This container will be responsible for creating instances of our dependencies and injecting them where needed:

    import 'package:get/get.dart';

    void main() {
    GetIt.instance.registerLazySingleton(() => UserService());

In this example, we are registering `UserService` as a singleton, which means that there will only ever be one instance of this class created.

Finally, you can inject this dependency into your code by calling `GetIt.instance` and requesting the instance of the `UserService`:

    class LoginPage extends StatelessWidget {
        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
            final userService = GetIt.instance<UserService>();
            return Scaffold(
            body: Center(
                child: RaisedButton(
                onPressed: () {
                    userService.login('username', 'password');
                child: Text('Login'),

In this example, we are injecting the `UserService` into the `LoginPage` widget and using it to perform a login action when the user presses the login button.

This is just a simple example, but dependency injection can be used to inject more complex dependencies into your code, such as database services, APIs, and more.

Reactive Programming in Flutter

Reactive programming is a programming paradigm that emphasizes the asynchronous flow of data and the propagation of changes. It allows you to write code that reacts to changes in data in a declarative way, without needing to manually manage state.

In Flutter, reactive programming is often implemented using streams and reactive frameworks such as the RxDart package. Here's a brief example to illustrate:

    final stream = Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

    stream.where((number) => number % 2 == 0).listen((evenNumber) {
    print('Even number: $evenNumber');

In this example, we create a stream of integers and filter for even numbers using the `where` operator. We then subscribe to the filtered stream using the `listen` method and print out the even numbers as they arrive.

Reactive programming allows you to write code that responds to data changes in real-time without needing to manually check for updates. This can make your code more efficient and easier to read, especially when dealing with complex data flows.

Reactive programming is commonly used in Flutter for tasks such as handling user input, responding to changes in network requests, and updating UI elements in real-time. It can be a powerful tool in your Flutter toolbox when used appropriately.